Trina: Surgical Menopause at 43
At 43 years old, menopause was something I barely thought about. It was only a vague event looming in my future that I had no real life experience or information about. Then, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and my whole world changed. I tested positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation which means that I have a hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancers. Fortunately, after chemotherapy treatment and multiple surgeries, I was declared cancer free! Next, I had a preventative surgery to remove my ovaries and fallopian tubes. I was thrust into surgical menopause overnight. While the effects of menopause were less intense than other side effects I had endured through cancer treatment, they have been long lasting and perhaps something I will need to deal with for many years. Immediately, Hot flashes, night sweats, hair texture changes and a slow down in my metabolism became part of my everyday life. Menopause isn't something my friends had gone through yet, so it wasn't something we talked about. Thankfully, I had information from my doctors and support from my Mom to help me navigate the changes in my body. Imagine having a network of women talking, sharing, supporting and normalizing all that menopause brings
